Our quality control and quality assurance systems are in accordance with the international ISO 9001:2015 standard.
In 1982 we introduced a "Quality Guarantee" manual.
Accordance with ISO 45001 Health and Safety at Work.
The Company has in the past been awarded important qualifications on the part of its largest clients regarding GQ2 and GQ3 supplies (nuclear power plants, off - shore platforms and others), and has, furthermore , the following certification:
• Welder and Welding Procedures Qualifications according to ASME IX, EN ISO 15614 & EN ISO 3834
• Qualified Non-destructive Examinations Operators (VT - PT) according to EN 473/ISO 9712
• Quality System Certificate for Design, Manufacturing, Final inspection and Testing of pressure equipments according to Module H/H1 of Directive PED 2014/68/EU, issued by TUV NORD ITALIA
• Production Quality Assurance Notification ATEX for explosion proof (Exd), intrinsecally safe (Exi) and optical protection (Ex op is) products, issued by CESI
• EAC CU-TR Certifications for export in Custom Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.)
• SIL 2 Product Certifications (available upon request)
The Company has its own internal final testing department for standard controls and calibration of its own equipments.
The most important tests include:
• Calibration Laboratory with Metrological Traceability for Variable Area flowmeters and Flow Switches
• Test Bench for Hydraostatic Pressure Testing up to 650 Bar
• Test Bench for Dieletric Strenght and Insulation Test
• Penetrant Liquid Inspection
• Helium Leakage Indicator
• Painting Thickness Control Device
• Hardness Test Equipment
• Elements Analyzer for P.M.I. check (Spectrometer by Optical Emission and X-Ray Fluorescence)
Any other tests are carried out at qualified external laboratories.
If required, relevant certificates of internal testing are issued.